Friday, June 29, 2012

Change is bitter and sweet.

Much has happened since I last posted on this blog. As I sit here typing this post I find it hard to articulate the emotional roller coaster this last month has brought.

On the 24.6.2012 (Last Sunday) my wonderful Nanna Olga passed away changing my family's life forever. She was always a consistent and large presence in our family - a quiet wallflower she was not. It has been difficult processing just how life will go on without her - but of course it does.

Nanna, Charlie and I

The decline in her health happened suddenly and within a short 8 weeks she was no longer with us. She kept her warmth, humour and sharp mind till the very end. Words cannot explain how grateful I am to have had her in my life and how her absolute love and adoration positively affected my life.

Thankyou Nan, I will love you forever. xx
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